Rufin VanRullen
main lab page
We are hiring!
- Check out our ERC Advanced GLoW page on the left for the latest information on available positions.
Who we are
- Our group works at the interface between AI and Neuroscience.
- We are part of the neuro.AI team at CerCo (Toulouse, France).
- We are also affiliated with ANITI, the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute.
- We are strongly involved in the TIdDLe initiative, the Toulouse Interdisciplinary Deep Learning group.
- For a list of group members, see People on the left.
What we do
Our research aims are to:
- Design novel state-of-the-art AI systems and deep learning algorithms, by drawing on knowledge from cognitive neuroscience.
- Understand brain function, by developing large-scale computational models and neural networks.
- More generally, bridge the gap between biological and machine intelligence.